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01:32 GMT         Day 8 of 90, Season 69    


Subscribers: 5

Thankyou and Goodbye

  Having started this team to exercise some demons I'd had from my first time round with another team. (Apolgies to Nick for the nuisance) I've now got a team int...


Soft-Max at 214!

  So Giu finally topped out his training at 214 SP! Well he might be 215 as I still havent tested the last point of his SP, but is unlikely either way... which me...


The Giu Train

  Possibly (probably) too early to make such an announcement, but at the risk of angering the old gods who decide a riders maximum potential we are proud to annou...


Glory Days Analysis Center - The Secret TT Project

  So. I'll give everyone a heads up, this post isn't actually anything new but given we're all on lockdown thought it might be nice to post a few musings and obse...


New Favorite Son

  At the risk of spoiling the suprise by leaking the news early, Glory Days is proud to announce we have a new lead sprinter in the form of home-grown academy tal...


Top Team & The Economy Boys

  As I have zero followers, this is more for myself but if anyone sees it and decides to have a read - hey! welcome along! ----- After many years in the cyc...


Other Team's Press Releases
 No press releases available..